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Author Topic:  Jernigan/Adams Avenger copedent
Lyn Kotuby


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2023 12:03 pm    
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I recently finished setting my BMI U12 up on Doug Jernigan's diatonic Avenger tuning after stumbling on this thread late last year. Here's a typed copy of the copedent shared at the end of that thread:

I'm just scratching the surface of the tuning so far, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm beginning to do some solo arrangements of tunes just to get my feet under me, and I'm finding that I can grab at least a 3-note shell voicing of any diatonic chord from any other one usually without moving my bar - at worst, a fret away. I also find it really easy to generate internal motion in chords and generally do voice leading in a way that's been challenging for me on E9 - probably says more about my E9 playing than anything else though Smile Still need a lot more seat time before I can feel like I have a real handle on it though.

Has anyone else played around with this tuning before? Any thoughts on approaches as I dig further in?
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