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Post new topic Rickenbacker B-6 White "Fret" Lines
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Author Topic:  Rickenbacker B-6 White "Fret" Lines
Bill Eisele


New Mexico, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2023 10:51 pm    
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I have tried to touch up the white "fret" lines on my pre-war Rickenbacher B-6 using the finest paint brushes with pinstripe masking tape and it still turned out to be a mess. I am wondering about using Kiwi Scuff Cover white shoe polish in a sponge applicator bottle to lay down the polish into the grooves on either side of the raised fret and then wipe off the excess before it dries. This is the product that I'm thinking about: https://www.kiwicare.com/en-us/products/kiwi-scuff-cover.

It dawned on me that I used this very type of polish to simulate mortar lines in HO gauge model railroad structures that had embossed brick walls. I would wipe it on the walls with the sponge applicator and then wipe off the excess leaving the white polish in the simulated mortar grooves. I would tone it down with a gray weathering wash. Something I won't do on the Ric.

Any thoughts on whether this is a good idea?
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