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Author Topic:  Kustom 30 watt amps
Tim Toberer

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2022 3:00 pm    
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Anyone out there have any experience with these Kustom amps? They come in a few versions. The acoustic Sienna models look interesting (not sure the difference they look basically the same?) as well as the regular versions. I am interested in finding a cheap amp to play at home and this amp seems to have a lot going for it. It has real spring reverb, FX loop, foot-switch option, headphones, aux., external speaker and line out options. Not to mention the 2 preamps simulating Fender or Vox? tones. Oh yeah and it also has chorus and comes with a decent speaker. I know I can find one for under $100 bucks and it doesn't look half bad. This sounds like a great deal. I cannot find anyone commenting about this amp on this forum, good or bad. Anyone have one??
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2022 2:53 pm    
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I'm fairly sure the new Kustom amps are really rebranded Line-6 amps. You get a lot of bang for the buck, but there's no mistaking these are low-end amps. The tone controls are rather limited, and the EFX are less than spectacular, tending to be limited in scope, and noisy at some settings. These amps are okay for practice, and have a lot of features. I have a couple inexpensive Line-6 amps myself, and they are a good value for the money. But they don't compare with the more expensive Fender, Peavey, or Vox amplifiers.

You get what you pay for, more or less.
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