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Author Topic:  🎶 Antique Aloha 2: That Hula Jazz Digital Arrival!
Christo Ruppenthal

Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2022 2:25 pm    
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BIG NEWS! I'm happy to announce that "Antique Aloha 2: That Hula Jazz" has landed on all digital distribution outlets. I used my Style 3 Tricone or Style O square neck on every track!

If you no longer buy CDs you can still check it out. Under my name look for the cover below to find it on your preferred digital service (iTunes, Spotify, Etc) or search for it on those platforms.

While you're there please remember to subscribe and follow my digital channels. I will be posting more content there over the coming months.

Digital Outlet Links: https://christoruppenthal.hearnow.com/antique-aloha-2-that-hula-jazz

*Remember that buying digital files and physical media artist direct is the best way to support their musical efforts.

CLICK HERE to grab Antique Aloha 2 directly from me: https://christoruppenthal.com/music

I’ve also heard that shipped copies of “Antique Aloha 2: That Hula Jazz” have started to arrive. If you got one let me know what you think!

Christo Ruppenthal - https://christoruppenthal.com/
President - Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association (HSGA)
1929 National Tricone Style 3
1935 Rickenbacher Electro A-25 Fry Pan
Selling vintage steels, ukuleles, etc. at AntiquiTone.com
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