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Author Topic:  OSGA staff player Larry King
Larry King


Watts, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2022 5:50 pm    
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R Crow asked me to say something about myself....I hesitate to start
because at 81 yrs there's been so much. Therefore I'll just provide
basic info so I can condense the story. Born in '41 in Western Okla
and moved to California in '43 , raised in church by wonderful
Christian parents, I had a drug problem. I was drug to church every
time the door was open....twice on Sunday, every Wed prayer meeting,
every Fri youth group, and countless revivals and fellowship with
area churches.

Had a favorite uncle who planted the music bug at 9 yrs...at 23 yr
joined a Gospel group and worked the San Joaquin valley guesting in
churches and caught the attention of a full time professional group
and joined them in Harrisburg Pa...that was in June '66 and by Jan
'67 the group moved to Nashville and when I left them , I went to
work for Jimmy Snow, only child of Hank. Most of you would know
his then wife, Carol Lee Cooper who had the Carol Lee singers for
30+ yrs at the Opry. We did a USO tour to Vietnam in January '69.
We had guest appearances at the Opry through '68...made some mem'ries.

Fast forward to June 1980 when I moved to Tulsa and went into the
countertop business, worked my you know what off and went on vacation
to Cozumel, saw an opportunity, and put a band together and worked
and lived on the Island for 2 yrs...I would have stayed forever but
my wife and daughter wanted to come home...again, made some mem'ries.
Took a job as bandleader in a West Siloam club from Jan '86 to July
'95...a sit down gig that lasted almost 10 yrs

After that I worked Cowskin Prairie and was able to have John Buffington
on steel and I must credit John with introducing me into the Steel
Guitar world, where I met you crazy people and forged some of the
best friendships in the world . I've been sort of the unnamed promo
person. I appreciate the help from everyone...each time you post
T T T , it keeps the show on the front burner. Thank you for that.

Finally, kudos to our President Beverly Harris ! She and Mike both
work very hard to co-ordinate everyone's picking schedule when
making out the player schedule . It's a thankless job and I know
she'd appreciate your expression of gratitude . C U Fri 24th.
If I gave too much information , just remember Hezekiah 3:1
Larry King
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john buffington


Owasso OK - USA
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2022 7:00 pm    
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Larry King, like the late Roy Rosetta "A Steel Players Best Friend" doing the bass foundation and great vocals. Proud to have him as a band mate and brother in Christ - don't get any better than that.
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R Crow


Hectorville, OK USA
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2022 9:09 am    
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What JB said x 2. John pretty much said it all.
Thank you Larry

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