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Author Topic:  Certano or Duesenberg levers on a Gretsch Lap steel
Grant Ferstat


Western Australia
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2022 6:30 pm    
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Hi all.

I'm looking at getting either the Duesenberg Multibender or the Certano Bender (possibly with the roller bridge) for a Gretsch Electromatic Lap Steel.

I was wondering what might be best. The Certano is less massive and looks like an easier install, but a friend of mine who installed one remarked that there is very little break angle on the lever activated strings. He's not experiencing any issues as such but I wonder how the lack of down pressure might impact on tone. From what I can see from pics the Duesenberg system might address this possible issue.

I know the Duesenberg is also expandable to a third lever. I'll probably struggle to get my head around two, but I guess that future proofing could be a plus too.

Anyway. I would really appreciate thoughts from any of you experienced with either system, particularly as fitted to one of the Gretsch Electromatics.

06 Nocaster Reissue/Grestch Players Edition Jet/Warmoth Tele 12/Teo Octave 12/Gibson J45/Magic Amps Brit MK2/Vox AC4/Lover of Ron Ellis pickups/Far too many pedals.

Last edited by Grant Ferstat on 29 Mar 2022 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Carl McLaughlin

St.Stephen,New Brunswick,Can
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2022 4:31 am     Duesenberg
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I have had and used the Duesenberg and its design breaks strings. There is a home remedy to fix the problem, but for the price you should not have to fix.

If you buy one the fix is to slide 2 string ball ends over the strings to be bent and you will have almost NO string breakage.

My 2 cents worth of good info

Carl Smile Smile

Keep steelin
I have a Tele plus telecaster, Larrivee acoustic. Also have a Fender resonator guitar with new Quarterman cone and spider, and an Allan tailpiece .Playing through a Fender Super Champ XD, using a little delay on the amp and a Harmonix Holy Grail Echo pedal, set on Hall turned to about 1pm.Just Bought a Yamaha FGX5 Recently and love it. Recently got a Sho-NUFF 6 string pedal steel in open G.Still learning.Just bought back my old SX lap steel that i modified, in open G
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JB Bobbitt

California, USA
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2022 5:11 am    
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I have limited experience with building and playing lap steel (one guitar with Certano benders). The guitar has string-through construction with a relatively sharp break angle over the saddle. There is a significant decrease in sustain and volume on the two strings sent to the benders rather than through the body.

Smart people (George?) have advised me to re-route the other 4 strings (re-design the bridge) to match the break angle to that of the strings going to the benders.

Otherwise, the Certano benders are great, and the install on mine was a breeze. One caution: make sure the string spacing over the PUPs and rollers are compatible. I have a Lollar String-through PUP and the spacing on the Certano roller bridge isn't compatible.

I used a simple stainless steel rod for the saddle. I only play a few hours a week and I haven't really mastered the ergonomics of the benders (i.e., don't use them much, yet). So far, there hasn't been any noticeable sawing of the rod. If it does happen, replacing the rod is a snap.


"Time is an enemy"
-Bob Dylan
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Gil James


Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2022 7:02 am     Benders
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I had certanos on a Gretsch. Simple installation and sounded great, never broke a string. So good that I wanted more and bought a pedal steel,and now I'm hooked. I sold the benders and still use the Gretsch for c6 stuff.
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Grant Ferstat


Western Australia
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2022 5:22 pm    
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Thanks for the responses folks.

I notice that Certano make a Lapsteel model and a lower profile guitar model. I wonder if simply using the lower profile model on a lap steel might cure the break angle issue.

Perhaps an email to Certano to discuss is in order.

Still interested any more wisdom that you folks can offer on the subject of course.

06 Nocaster Reissue/Grestch Players Edition Jet/Warmoth Tele 12/Teo Octave 12/Gibson J45/Magic Amps Brit MK2/Vox AC4/Lover of Ron Ellis pickups/Far too many pedals.
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Ted Duross


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 4:16 am    
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Hi Grant,
I installed the Duesenberg Multibender on a Gretsch about 2 months ago. Relatively painless process. There’s a fellow on YouTube who has a video demonstrating the installation (Duesy on Gretsch). It’s quite detailed. He’s speaking in German as he makes the installation. No CC auto-translation available. But actually it’s not particularly necessary.
As with Carl I added two extra string balls to each bending string. One break so far. Playing about an hour a day. Lots to learn but lots of fun.
As with Gil, my mind’s drifting towards pedal steel.

BTW, Gil, if you don’t mind me asking, did you go double or single neck? I’m looking at possibly purchasing a single neck, E9, from Brisco Steel Guitars. Just wondering where you landed Smile
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John Drury

Gallatin, Tn USA
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 6:36 am     Re: Certano or Duesenberg levers on a Gretsch Lap steel
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Grant Ferstat wrote:
Hi all.

I'm looking at getting either the Duesenberg Multibender or the Certano Bender (possibly with the roller bridge) for a Gretsch Electromatic Lap Steel.

I was wondering what might be best. The Certano is less massive and looks like an easier install, but a friend of mine who installed one remarked that there is very little break angle on the lever activated strings. He's not experiencing any issues as such but I wonder how the lack of down pressure might impact on tone. From what I can see from pics the Duesenberg system might address this possible issue.

I know the Duesenberg is also expandable to a third lever. I'll probably struggle to get my head around two, but I guess that future proofing could be a plus too.

Anyway. I would really appreciate thoughts from any of you experienced with either system, particularly as fitted to one of the Gretsch Electromatics.


Never owned a Certano, but heard so much good about them that I modeled my home built benders after them. You can set the lever angle anywhere you want, and position the levers where you want laterally, its a great setup!

As far as a 3rd bender? The top of a six string lap steel is no place for a lever farm in my opinion.

Here is a close up of mine on a steel that I built. I lowered the axle on mine to accomodate the Wilkinson ashtrays bridges.

String gauges are .014 D - .018 A - .028W F# - .038 D - .048 A - .058 D

Scale length is 24 1/4".

Zero string breakage so far. Hope this helps.


John Drury

"Practice cures most tone issues" ~ John Suhr
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Gil James


Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 7:52 am     Benders
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Hey Ted, I had trouble with right hand blocking while using the benders. I actually bought a Hudson 6 string e9 to break into pedals. Super fun to play, but soon saw my limitations. Ordered a new GFI Expo S10, and having much fun learning and playing this. I still use my lapsteel for c6,a6 type stuff, which is not much as most of my music is gospel hymns these days.
Apologies for hi-jack.
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Jeff Highland


New South Wales, Australia
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 1:28 pm     Re: Certano or Duesenberg levers on a Gretsch Lap steel
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John Drury wrote:
Grant Ferstat wrote:
Hi all.

I'm looking at getting either the Duesenberg Multibender or the Certano Bender (possibly with the roller bridge) for a Gretsch Electromatic Lap Steel.

I was wondering what might be best. The Certano is less massive and looks like an easier install, but a friend of mine who installed one remarked that there is very little break angle on the lever activated strings. He's not experiencing any issues as such but I wonder how the lack of down pressure might impact on tone. From what I can see from pics the Duesenberg system might address this possible issue.

I know the Duesenberg is also expandable to a third lever. I'll probably struggle to get my head around two, but I guess that future proofing could be a plus too.

Anyway. I would really appreciate thoughts from any of you experienced with either system, particularly as fitted to one of the Gretsch Electromatics.


Never owned a Certano, but heard so much good about them that I modeled my home built benders after them. You can set the lever angle anywhere you want, and position the levers where you want laterally, its a great setup!

As far as a 3rd bender? The top of a six string lap steel is no place for a lever farm in my opinion.

Here is a close up of mine on a steel that I built. I lowered the axle on mine to accomodate the Wilkinson ashtrays bridges.

String gauges are .014 D - .018 A - .028W F# - .038 D - .048 A - .058 D

Scale length is 24 1/4".

Zero string breakage so far. Hope this helps.


Hey John, Nice benders.
With the Wilkinson bridge, the saddles can be turned over to give an un notched face. Just remove and reinstall the height screws.
You do not need the compensated stagger and it is wrong anyhow once you use a wound third.
Duesenberg Fairytale
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John Drury

Gallatin, Tn USA
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 1:37 pm    
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Thanks for the kind comment and the saddle info, I will flip them over later on today!

John Drury

"Practice cures most tone issues" ~ John Suhr
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Grant Ferstat


Western Australia
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2022 10:08 pm     Re: Certano or Duesenberg levers on a Gretsch Lap steel
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John Drury wrote:
Grant Ferstat wrote:
Hi all.

I'm looking at getting either the Duesenberg Multibender or the Certano Bender (possibly with the roller bridge) for a Gretsch Electromatic Lap Steel.

I was wondering what might be best. The Certano is less massive and looks like an easier install, but a friend of mine who installed one remarked that there is very little break angle on the lever activated strings. He's not experiencing any issues as such but I wonder how the lack of down pressure might impact on tone. From what I can see from pics the Duesenberg system might address this possible issue.

I know the Duesenberg is also expandable to a third lever. I'll probably struggle to get my head around two, but I guess that future proofing could be a plus too.

Anyway. I would really appreciate thoughts from any of you experienced with either system, particularly as fitted to one of the Gretsch Electromatics.


Never owned a Certano, but heard so much good about them that I modeled my home built benders after them. You can set the lever angle anywhere you want, and position the levers where you want laterally, its a great setup!

As far as a 3rd bender? The top of a six string lap steel is no place for a lever farm in my opinion.

Here is a close up of mine on a steel that I built. I lowered the axle on mine to accomodate the Wilkinson ashtrays bridges.

String gauges are .014 D - .018 A - .028W F# - .038 D - .048 A - .058 D

Scale length is 24 1/4".

Zero string breakage so far. Hope this helps.


Amazing work!

06 Nocaster Reissue/Grestch Players Edition Jet/Warmoth Tele 12/Teo Octave 12/Gibson J45/Magic Amps Brit MK2/Vox AC4/Lover of Ron Ellis pickups/Far too many pedals.
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