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Barbara Rosetta

Nederland, Tx. , USA
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2022 5:48 am    
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The 2022 TSGA Jamboree was held in Dallas on March 11-14,2022. Next year the Jamboree will be in Dallas the second weekend in March, 2023. Already looking forward to the next show.

It was great to see everyone again and spend time together enjoying the music and our friends. Even though we had to cancel the Jamboree last year due to Covid, this year the TSGA Benevolent Fund had a good year. Thanks to all of you and your generosity. The money raised will all go to musicians and their families, across the country, who need assistance.

Our heartfelt thanks to the following vendors and contributors to the TSGA Benevolent Fund:
GFI Steel Guitars, Peterson Tuners, Doug and Kathy Cresanta, Mike Sweeney, Jim and Janet Wise, Lee Barber, Jim Palenscar, Whiskey River Band, Kelly Hydron, Boo Miller, Mike Castleberry, Billy and Patty Phelps, Michael Hillman, Michael and Debbie Earhart, Tommy Huff, Larry and Phyllis Tresnicky, Pamela and Gary Catlin, Milton and Kathy Willmann, Randy Herndon, Donna Dodd, Bill Nicholson, Jeff Williams, Barbara Rosetta, Billie and Marvin Sheffield. Cash donations were given in memory of Roy Rosetta and to the Benevolent Fund. IF I have misspelled your name, I apologize, we are working quickly.

From the silent auction item the high bidder was:
Gary Steele for the KC Steel Guitar Seat
The signed Dobro winner was: Kyle Mosely
The 50/50 winner was Bill Irsik who so generously donated his winnings to the TSGA Benevolent Fund in memory of Roy Rosetta.

The TSGA Benevolent Fund Team is a wonderful group:
Jim & Janet Wise, Bonnie Taylor, Sissy Privett. We missed our team members Linda Ferguson and Elaine Gondeson who could not be with us this year.

We have three MC's on stage working so hard for the Benevolent Fund in between music sets. They can do some great auctions in a short time. Super job by Mike Siler, Bill Ferguson and Jeff Williams. Our thanks guys.

The TSGA Benevolent Fund is an amazing cause and we are thankful for all contributions. We do accept donations throughout the year.

Thank you for supporting me and the team in our efforts and may each of you be Blessed in many ways.

Barbara Rosetta
TSGA Benevolent Fund Team Leader
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2022 6:26 am    
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It is truly an honor to be able to help this great cause in my small way on stage.

Barbara works all year long on this project and sits there tirelessly all weekend (well she does get tired) handling the business and talking to people who come by the table and people who donate items to be auctioned/sold.

All the ladies (and gents) do a fantastic job every year.

I for one as so glad that Barbara did not give this up after we lost Roy. He would want her to continue to be with his and her steel guitar family.

Because that is what our whacky world of steel guitar is, ONE big family that can depend on each other.
AUTHORIZED George L's, Goodrich, Telonics and Peavey Dealer: I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables, Goodrich Baby Bloomer and Peavey Nashville 112. Can't get much sweeter.
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Jon Voth


Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2022 8:00 pm    
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I walked into the big room as they offered $500 off a Mullen order. I would have went all the way but no other takers. Thanks to Mullen for their contribution and much more than happy for my contribution.
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