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Post new topic Sho~Bud P7 pull bellcrank setup?
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Author Topic:  Sho~Bud P7 pull bellcrank setup?
Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2022 5:40 pm    
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My 74 (two hole changer / swivels / barrel) has the 3rd string double raise with extra leverage by using the lower hole in the bell crank whereas the S4 double raise is in the regular expected upper hole of the crank.

The timing of those two pulls together is "perfect" interval tracking from start to stop. The "cant" angles are very different.

This is how the guitar came to me via 2nd owner.

If anyone has this era of guitar with the 1U / 1D changer I'd be interested in your description of the setup, pull timing, and cant angles.

I've seen many on the For sale site that show both pulls in the upper crank hole but dont know if this creates imperfect pull timing and it wil be a lot of work to run the experiment.

(I want to clean up the undercarriage a bit and having that raise rod in the lower crank causes some small issues but the smooth pull might justify the issue.)
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