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Chase Brady

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 5 Apr 2023 2:42 pm    
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First let me make it clear that I'm mostly an acoustic musician, so my knowledge of pickups is pretty limited. I do have a couple of electric lap steels, an 8-string and a 6-string, both made by Johnny King. The 8-string came with a single coil pickup which sounded great except for the hummmmmm, which I found very annoying. I upgraded it with a Lace Alumitone tone bar, which I'm very happy with. Now, in comparison to that, the Parsons Street humbucker in the 6-string sounds very dark and a bit muddy. So I'm thinking a bout upgrading that. So here are my questions:
1) Is there some inexpensive way to improve the sound of the Parsons Street pickup? It's a Stew-Mac exclusive that is well reviewed, but not made specifically for lap steels. Maybe change the pots or capacitor?
2) I don't believe an Alumitone tone bar would fit the rout for my 6-string. They of course, make a 6-string humbucker. Has anyone tried one of these in a lap steel? Would I likely be disappointed?
3) Are there other hum-cancelling pickups that would fit without modification that I should consider?
Any advice will be appreciated.
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Doug Taylor

Shelbyville, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 5 Apr 2023 2:54 pm    
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Talk to Nick Fryer, he is a member here. He made a pickup for my cheap Rogue and did a really nice job and he is a great guy as well.

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Michael Brebes


Northridge CA
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2023 7:08 am    
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For something off the shelf, you might try a Seymour Duncan Jazz hum bucker. If that isn't bright enough, you can try wiring the coils in parallel mode which will give you a brighter sound while still keeping the hum bucking mode. If your existing pickup is a 4 wire, you can always try it in parallel wiring mode before you replace it.
Michael Brebes
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