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Author Topic:  New Old(ish) Amp - Gibson GA30-RVS
Allan Revich

Victoria, BC
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2022 7:57 pm    
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Picked this up earlier in the week, just because it looked so cool. As it turns out, it is a fantastic amp for lap steel, having one of the nicest cleans I’ve ever heard. And it stays clean for a looooonnng time.

Bonus “cool factor”, it used to belong to Joe Perry of Aerosmith.
Less fun… it weighs 62 pounds. I’m not built for schlepping that kind of weight around anymore.
Current Tunings:
6 String | G6 – e G D G B D
7 String | G6 – e G B D G B D

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Allan Revich

Victoria, BC
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2022 5:42 pm     New Speakers 12 pounds lighter!
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At 62 pounds this puppy was too heavy for my 65 year old arthritic joints to move anywhere—even within my house.

I ordered a pair of Jensen MOD 12-50 speakers to replace the great sounding, but darned heavy Celestion Vintage 30s. Changing them was not as easy as it should have been, thanks to good old British engineering! To change speakers one must use a Phillips screwdriver on the front AND a small socket head inside the cab at the same time. If that wasn’t interesting enough, one of the inside nuts is directly behind a transformer.

Anyway, with a few cuts and bruises I was able to get the old speakers out, and the new speakers in. The net result was 100% satisfactory. The amp now weighs a more manageable 50 pounds, and sounds great. The gorgeous cleans the GA30 was producing are still there, and I expect that the amp will only sound better as the speakers break in.

Because of the provenance of this amp, I’m keeping the original speakers for the day this amp gets resold.
Current Tunings:
6 String | G6 – e G D G B D
7 String | G6 – e G B D G B D

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