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Author Topic:  Mullen HWP (non-G2) A Pedal Issue
William Smith

Tulsa, OK
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2022 5:35 pm    
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I have a 2008 Mullen HWP. I’ve had it about 6 months and I play almost daily for about an hour. Yesterday I played the guitar and notice that the A pedal didn’t bottom out like the others when pressed. It had a sort of extra give which popped after the pedal was fully depressed. It was noisy and seemed to come from beneath the cabinet rather than the pedal board.

I turned my guitar upside down to inspect it and found that (pardon my nomenclature) the set screws that adjust how far the shafts can rotate seem to have wore circular patterns in the stopping piece shown in the photo below.

A pedal is worst. Pedal 4 ( C6 neck) is shown below and it has little wear I would imagine that this is because pedal A is the most used pedal and pedal 4 maybe not as much.

Has anyone experienced this? Is this a common issue? Is it fixable or addressable? I would like to hear any thoughts on this.
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Mike Mantey

Eastern Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2022 8:00 am    
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It is wear and tear. You can get a replacement part from us or you can also pull it off and file it flat again. It is not a big deal unless the setscrew is getting stuck on it. You can flatten it out and readjust your pedal travel and should be good to go. Seems as though it was played hard or by a heavy footed player.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2022 9:44 am    
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You obviously do want to get to the bottom of the issue that you describe. But almost certainly, it is not related to the wear that you show in the photos (which is not, IMO, cause for concern).

It should be observable but sometimes things like you describe can be elusive. Little things like the changer raise finger getting hung up on the lower -- you might see the lower return spring moving and then being released (the pop). Could be all sorts of things. Needs to be narrowed down by close examination.
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William Smith

Tulsa, OK
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2022 11:25 am    
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Thanks for the replies. I suppose the reason I thought this was the cause is that this is the first and only apparent damage I could find upon inspection.

I imagined it's possible that the contact point doesn’t hit the exact same point each time and sometimes the leading edge of the set screw hits the outer edge of the groove, and then pops into the groove.

I’ll take another look.
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