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Author Topic:  Jan 14th-Mesa-E9th Seminar - Steve Palousek & Larry Toliver
Larry Toliver


Post  Posted 10 Nov 2021 8:00 pm    
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Hello Fellow Steelers!!!
We are excited to announce that Steve and I will once again be teaching an E9th Seminar on Friday 14th, 9am til noon at the Southwest Steel Guitar Jamboree in Mesa, Arizona at the Doubletree.
Steve will be teaching his new version of The Girl From Ipanema on E9th with lots of great changes, beautiful chord melodies, and his amazing solos.
I will be teaching a version of Secret Love similar to Lloyd Greens version. I think you'll really enjoy diving into these two classic tunes and adding them to your repertoire. And, the class is only $35 bucks. I guarantee you'll get your moneys worth at this class! We will have complete tabs, tracks, and cds. You can video with your phone, or record as you like. You can email me at larrytoliver@windstream.net or PM me on the forum if you'd like to register for the class early. The class will be intermediate to advanced. You are welcome to bring your amp and steel if you'd like. You will have to have headphones to keep the volume down. We always have a full class packed with steel guitars. If you are a newbie steeler ...you can still benefit with some hands on at this class. We will honor anyones level and do whatever we can to help and make your class a blast and a success. Hope to see you there!
Larry & Steve!

Last edited by Larry Toliver on 6 Jan 2022 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Larry Toliver


Post  Posted 6 Jan 2022 12:29 pm    
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Just got a call from Troy Porter and Steve and I will be doing 2 seminars this year at Phoenix. One on Friday and one on Saturday. We were geared up and prepared for the Friday class, then Jody Cameron had to cancel because of a job. So we're doing both days. The 2nd class will have Steve doing Empty Glass that we had on our cd and I'll be teaching All My Lovin' also from our cd. There will be lots of steelin' and tabs and tracks to go along with all of the songs. Pick your day and we'll have a blast. Hope to see ya'll there! Also, you are welcome to bring your steel to the class. Please use headphones to keep the volume down.
Larry & Steve

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