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Post new topic Jeremy Wakefield playing speedy wests bigsby full concert???
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Author Topic:  Jeremy Wakefield playing speedy wests bigsby full concert???
Amos Sheehan


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2021 3:25 am    
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hey y'all
some time back I found a video of JW playing SW's guitar.. the clip was at least 30- 45 mins long- set in a live venue with an audience and began with Jeremy giving a description of Speedy's Guitar- technical set up etc.. specifically the "impact" or "tone whacker"
set into the side of the instrument as opposed to the standard tone pot on the playing surface or body of the guitar.. this innovation has really gotten under my skin and I would very much like to track down the footage not only for my listening pleasure but to pass the video onto my guitar tech to perhaps have him fit me something similar..!
I have trawled tube and our forum AND Mike Neer's site which has an excellent interview posted 2011 but cannot find the footage I seek. any and all help and advice as always gratefully appreciated. cheers!!
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