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Author Topic:  Emmons Ll2
Dennis Wireman


North West Indiana 47978
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2021 4:08 am    
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can any one tell me the year of this and any info?

can any one let me know what year this was made
serial # 1316 L? or any info?
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Ian Worley

Sacramento, CA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2021 11:20 am    
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It's probably '94-ish but Jack Strayhorn, who ran the Emmons shop during the era your guitar was built, has stated that serial numbers didn't track consistently with actual ship dates:
Jack Strayhorn wrote:
LeGrandes started at 001L and went from there as each body was constructed. If an odd color was built at number 500 it could have sit on a shelf for years before being built up as complete guitar unit. Thus, a black guitar at number 700 could have shipped the same day as the odd colored 500. The numbers have no date relation what so ever. A black guitar in the 800 range was built in the early-mid nineties but the only was of knowing exactly is by calling and having the warranty card pulled.

Jack Strayhorn wrote:
Serial numbers were in sequence as to when the body was completed. Not connected to when the guitar was assembled or shipped.

That said, there are a lot of known ship dates and serial numbers posted in various threads if someone had the patience to weed through them and compile a rough timeline. I have 1835L, it was delivered 4/4/98. Here are a couple of other discussions about this:

All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest - Paul Simon
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