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Author Topic:  Just a thought about the SWSGA's next show (Arizona)
Ron Pruter


Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 8 Aug 2021 6:00 pm    
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I've heard talk that with the main production man, John, retiring after this next show 2022, that this might be the last show. Now I'm thinking since there was no show last year (covid), I suspect there might already be money in the SWSGA account to cover this forth coming show. What a nice time to do a no charge for attendance show. I'm not saying the stars don't get paid; just loyal audience attendees or at least members, get in free. Heck, it doesn't have to be at a Hilton Very Happy RP
Emmons SKH Le Grande, '73 Fender P/J bass, Tick tack bass, Regal high strung, USA Nashville 112.
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 9 Aug 2021 5:10 am    
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I heard the reason the shows may not continue is that there is not enough money to cover the costs involved from year to year.
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Slim Heilpern

Aptos California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Aug 2021 5:33 am    
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I love this show!

What is it, like $65 for non-members for all three days? It's not surprising to hear that that fee hasn't been covering all the costs. It's a very low figure to charge considering the quality of the event, and I'm sure most of us would be willing to fork over considerably more to keep the show going.

But of course the COVID varient news gets worse every day, so many (including me) may decline to attend this year if things continue on their current trajectory. So sad considering it didn't have to turn out this way....

- Slim
Chromatic Harmonica, Guitar, and Pedal Steel (Williams U12 Series 700, Emmons lap)
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Bill Tauson


Chino Valley, Az.
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2021 9:34 pm    
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Hi everyone!

I'll try and address a few things regarding the SWSGA shows. I am one of the board members and we've discussed all of these issues and challenges in detail. Each year they seem to get a little more difficult.

We are a non-profit organization so the goal is not to make money, but to keep the association healthy and keep the shows going. We are membership based so we try and be transparent. At the same time, there are some costs that are kept private.

If the show's attendance is good, we make it to next year! There are several heroes that keep these shows going. If you've attended any of the shows, you'll know who they are. Most do not want recognition. They do it out of love for the show. I will tell you that without those people, the show would be nothing like it's been. There's a tremendous amount of work that goes into all of these shows that most people never see. We ask for help each year.

So let me publicly say to those heroes, thank you for all your donations, long hours and hard work!

The membership dues and show prices have remained the same while the cost continue to climb. Our biggest expense are the hotels.

The Covid situation is unknown but as of now, the 2022 show is being planned. Each artist and each attendee is trying to decide whether they will attend but we are going forward with our best effort. Please remember that the hotels are under their own guidelines and we have to work together. Our hotel has worked with us as we all navigate through this.

If you were a paid member in 2020, your dues were rolled over to 2021.

If you have detailed questions about any of this, please feel free to contact me privately. My phone number and email are listed in the newsletters. I'm more than happy to try and answer them.

If you have suggestions, I'd like to hear those also. As we get closer to the show, we'll be able to put out more accurate information.

Whether you're a member, an artist, a vendor or an attendee, these shows have a value to each of us and we all want to do our best to keep this going.

Sadly, we've lost some great friends and amazing talent over the last few years and it serves as a reminder how important all of these shows are.
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Bruce Heffner


Payson, Arizona
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2021 4:38 am     I'll be there
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I am very gracious to the SWSGA for the event and all the work and high quality that go into it! The cost is minimal for a 3 day event of any kind.

Bruce from Arizona these days
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2021 6:03 am    
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This is a problem, not unlike what we (Georgia SGA) and many other face.

We depend on each show to pay for the next one.

One of the things we have found is that we don't get enough support from local steel players and/or other musicians.

If we have them play on the show, then they attend (at no charge), but if they are not playing the show, we hear the same old story "We've heard those players. Why would we pay to hear them when we can go to the local dive and hear them for free".

It's just one of those situations that we have to deal with. But because we love our instrument and the people surrounding it so much, we will continue to put on shows as long as we have the $$, even if it is for an audience of ONE.
AUTHORIZED George L's, Goodrich, Telonics and Peavey Dealer: I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables, Goodrich Baby Bloomer and Peavey Nashville 112. Can't get much sweeter.
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Dean Richard Varga


Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2021 12:05 am     SWSGC- 2022 and beyond!
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The best show I think Ive ever been to in Arizona was at the Grace Inn 10-12 years back.It is now I believe a 4-points Sheraton.
They might get excited about a show at there place.

Competing with the Barrett Jackson car shows etc. in mid to late January doesn't seem to play into our hands as a good strategy as well.January is kinda busy place in Phoenix.
Make it later, maybe we could get
a better deal early in February.

Just some thoughts.


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Bill Tauson


Chino Valley, Az.
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2021 1:13 pm    
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Hi Dean,

Barrett Jackson and the NAMM show are just a few.

For the hotels in Arizona it's also spring training in the area. Christmas and New Years just passed, and the list goes on and on. We can probably get a better rate towards summer but 115 degrees is not popular.

We can get a better rate at other hotels but many are further away from the airports. The closer the airport the higher the rate. And they must have a main room and rooms for the venders. Food in the area. Electricity to run all this stuff.

We actually did a survey a few years back to see where people were coming from. Move it East and it's further for the California folks. Go West and it's further for others.

We've looked at every option.

With that, thank you for the input and keep them coming!!!!
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2021 10:00 am    
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The cost of admission is trivial compared to travel and hotel costs. I'm happy to pay it. Just my 2 cents from North California. Cool
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Bill Tauson


Chino Valley, Az.
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2021 11:42 am    
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So here's a thought.

I can't think of too many other situations where you get to hear, meet and talk with the caliber of artists like this. It is truly a gift!

Would you rather keep several small steel guitar associations through out the United States or one association with several chapters?

Let me say up front that there are pros and cons to all of this. You will NEVER make everyone happy! Please keep your suggestions positive!! Agree to disagree! Think out of the box! Take a chance!

Look at the forum as an example. bOb, you're awesome!!

Is it less work putting all your eggs in one basket or more work duplicating the same efforts? As a larger group, could you have a certain number of shows durning the year in various locations? Would that give you bargaining power as a larger group to get better rates or discounts with certain hotels, airlines, rental cars, etc. One newsletter. One membership base. Is this a better option for all the venders who support our shows?

First question. Who would run this?
Perhaps people with certain skills, (that I don't have), who enjoy doing things like this. Finance, computer skills, planning, sales, websites, etc.

This is not intended to take away from anything that is already being done. Just make it better.

I don't know the answers. That's why I'm asking.
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