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Bruce Bjork

Southern Coast of Maine
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2021 2:22 pm    
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One of my warm up exercises is pretty basic but’s helped my right hand.

“Hotel California”, Bm fret 3 string 6 4 5 3 4 5, same pattern F# fret 2, same pattern A fret 0, same pattern E fret 0, G fret 3 string 8 5 6 4 6 5, D fret 1 same pattern, Em fret 3 same pattern, resolve to F# fret 2 same pattern. All patterns are repeated twice, simple but pretty chord progression. Right hand, T 1 T 2 1 T

I have Mickey Adams’s “Up From The Top” which also has some good right had stuff.

I’m in an active gigging band so tend to practice an hour/day but a big believer of working on basic exercises for 10 minutes or so before I dig into our upcoming set lists.

I have others but would appreciate thoughts and comments.
Banjo, Dobro, Guild D-40, Telecaster, Justice Pro Lite 3x5, BOSS Katana 100, Peavey Nashville 112 in a Tommy Huff cabinet, Spark, FreeLoader, Baby Bloomer, Peterson StroboPlus HD, Stage One VP.
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Gary Watkins

Bristol, VA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2021 6:04 pm     Re: My right hand exercises
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Bruce Bjork wrote:
One of my warm up exercises is pretty basic but’s helped my right hand.

“Hotel California”, Bm fret 3 string 6 4 5 3 4 5, same pattern F# fret 2, same pattern A fret 0, same pattern E fret 0, G fret 3 string 8 5 6 4 6 5, D fret 1 same pattern, Em fret 3 same pattern, resolve to F# fret 2 same pattern. All patterns are repeated twice, simple but pretty chord progression. Right hand, T 1 T 2 1 T

I have Mickey Adams’s “Up From The Top” which also has some good right had stuff.

I’m in an active gigging band so tend to practice an hour/day but a big believer of working on basic exercises for 10 minutes or so before I dig into our upcoming set lists.

I have others but would appreciate thoughts and comments.

I thought that Jeff Newman did the "UP FROM THE TOP" lessons. I didn't know that Mickey Adams did it also.

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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2021 8:17 pm    
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Whatever gets your fingers doing what your brain tells them, go for it. Those are great chord changes and it’s a fun ditty.

I start a practice session by going through the Joe Wright rolls on every set of 3 adjacent strings. Backwards and forward, with every finger order (T-1-2, 1-2-T, 2-T-1, etc). If I’m feeling into it or like I really need the practice, I’ll get into wider patterns or standard chord grip patterns and mix it up with alternate picking.

Some days that’s all I get around to doing. But then, I’m not playing steel in a working band so I can spend a whole session on basic grunt work. I love it! And strangely enough, if I just want to play songs the next day, it seems a bit easier.
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Bruce Bjork

Southern Coast of Maine
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2021 5:18 am     Re: My right hand exercises
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I thought that Jeff Newman did the "UP FROM THE TOP" lessons. I didn't know that Mickey Adams did it also.

I was wrong Mickey Adam’s book is Beginners Guide to Mastering E9th Pedal Steel Guitar, I also have the Newman courses.
Banjo, Dobro, Guild D-40, Telecaster, Justice Pro Lite 3x5, BOSS Katana 100, Peavey Nashville 112 in a Tommy Huff cabinet, Spark, FreeLoader, Baby Bloomer, Peterson StroboPlus HD, Stage One VP.
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