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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 26 May 2021 2:09 am    
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Well after much contemplation I bought a used K50 MKII at GC in pretty darn good shape for $175. A few small scuffs is all I noticed .

Well being one of those ANTI Katana guys I have moved over into the "its not bad category" . The use will be for Tele on small gigs, I don't see any Steel use at this time.

I had a two button foot switch which allows for 4 independent presets , so I set up 4 presets and so far not bad.very clean, some grit, some delay and some tremolo.

My next gig ( next week) I'll bring the amp out and see how it does. I expect it will be fine. Maybe I don't have to bring a pedal board, who knows.

One thing is a bust though, the USB connection to the latest Tone Control software. I'm pretty PC savvy and I spent well over an hour trying to grab the software, the drivers , make the connection etc...it just flubbed. In the scheme of things I don't need it anyway. There are countless articles with regards to this as well. I updated the firmware, grabbed the latest version of the Tone Software for the MK II, each time I try to connect it says update the firmware and get the latest version of Tone Control Software ! I can only yell at the PC so many times " I DID ! !!! LOL Maybe over the next few days I'll reset it all and do it again, but I'm not even certain I need to. The foot switch and panel programming work just fine.

So for now I'm a hesitant member of the Katana club For the money I'm not worried. I can return it but most likely will not, I'll play with it at home, well for at least another 44 days !
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 26 May 2021 4:28 pm    
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Tony, bought a used 100 and find it very usable for Tele and Steel. I never was able to connect either but I did buy a phone app which gives me more control and a library to store more settings. I can't recall the name of it but it allows deep eq control which helps tame mids on steel.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 26 May 2021 11:17 pm    
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Forget Boss Tone Studio, jeez what clodhopper of an app. Try this instead

I hope not to insult your intelligence, but you are not the first to have difficulty with the firmware updates, and this is only meant as a way to help:

The FxFloorboard app (freeware) is well worth suffering through the wonk that Boss has become notorious for. Good luck.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 26 May 2021 11:54 pm    
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Fred , not to worry buddy, any intelligence I may have had left the building easily a decade ago !

According to the BOSS Firmware CHECK , this amp has the latest update. Oh well....

I have 4 presets programmed from the front panel and quite frankly its a piece of cake to update them on a gig should I need to.

Make a slight change with a knob, hold down the CH button. At this time I still have the intelligence to do that ! ! Laughing

I'm trying hard to not like the amp for its intended purpose, but I keep coming away liking it ! Shocked
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 27 May 2021 8:28 am    
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It’s a great little amp even without Tone Studio. One look at TS and I was resigned to making panel settings, and then someone on the Forum linked to the FxFloorboard. I have had one set up for my GT10 for years, and the Katana one is fantastic too.

The most valuable thing Tone Studio offers for me is access to FX Loop settings. I can run my volume pedal into the Effects Return and place it after the pre-amp. I realize the K-50 does not have an FX Loop. That’s the main reason I opted for the 100. Also, with the loop and the Floorboard/TS, I can run steel and guitar into one amp, have access to 50 effects parameters for both of them, with no outboard gear. Now all I need is a gig!

About the only other advice I would offer is doing a factory reset. Saving your presets for after resetting, hmm...The only thing I can think of his taking a picture of your panel, but that only works before you enter those settings as a preset.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 28 May 2021 12:04 am    
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Fred, yes, first thing I did was a factory reset. I'm a pretty simplistic but realistic person, I like whats in front of me with the 4 "presets" I wrote and saved. I purchased the amp to make my "mini" gigs life easier. If I am going to drag out more stuff I'll just return to what I was doing before , amp and pedal board. I'm hopeful that the amp and the presets will allow me to leave the pedal board at home. Thats the plan. Very Happy I'll have that answer next week. Exclamation

over and out
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Peter Harris


South Australia, Australia
Post  Posted 28 May 2021 1:10 am    
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Fred Treece wrote:
Forget Boss Tone Studio, jeez what clodhopper of an app. Try this instead

I hope not to insult your intelligence, but you are not the first to have difficulty with the firmware updates, and this is only meant as a way to help:

The FxFloorboard app (freeware) is well worth suffering through the wonk that Boss has become notorious for. Good luck.


What Fred said.... Wink
If my wife is reading this, I don't have much stuff....really!
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2021 1:55 am    
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I used the K 50 on its first gig this past weekend, pretty darn good, but I did notice some bottom end speaker "farting" in the clean 50 watt mode. I had to pull back the bottom end EQ.

Keep in mind this is a USED amp at a pretty low price, it performed just fine. Most likely the previous owner was pretending he was Hendrix or something and put some edge on the speaker.

I pulled the stock speaker and installed an original Nashville 112/12/4 ohm'er yesterday . It added maybe 4 pounds to the amp but the performance is superior. Now I pull back the bottom end EQ because its too much !

All in all its a fine amp for its intended purpose.
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2021 11:21 am    
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Tony, that's good to know how a speaker upgrade brings it around. Thanks for posting.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2021 12:33 am    
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I'm not trying to diss BOSS here , but the speaker in a $250 amp ( new) can't be what we all refer to as "premium" Laughing

It is what it is, they call it a 50 watt Special 12. Side by side with ANY moderate or premium speaker, its apparent.

Its not the end of the world ! Laughing
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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