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Author Topic:  Evans AH 200 owners question
George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2021 8:50 am    
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I just recently got the AH 200. It has all the features and controls as my FET-500 and my SE-200. But it is very small and only weighs 5 lbs. The output is 200 watts RMS. I've tested it at home using a JBL-D130, a Wheelhouse 150, and EPS 15-C speakers. I've checked the FET 500 and the SE-200 with the same speakers. I can't tell 10 cents worth of difference in the amps. They all sound great and like Evans. My question is, what am I giving up by going to a 5 lb. tiny amp? I don't have any gigs to try it out. Can it run with the big dogs in a band situation? If so, why am I lugging big amps if a 5 lb. one will do the same job.
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chuck lemasters


Jacksonburg, WV
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2021 10:11 am    
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You are giving nothing. I believe the ah200, se200, re200 all use the same amplifier.
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