Jim Fogle
From: North Carolina, Winston-Salem, USA
Posted 16 May 2021 2:52 pm
MIDI 2.0 Update
As you may already know the initial MIDI 2.0 specification was recently released. However multiple committees are working to expand the MIDI 2.0 specification.
I thought some of you may have an interest in knowing some of the areas the committees are exploring. Here is a list of some areas in no particular order:
Property exchange specifications for controllers, GUI user interface and file access.
Profile configuration specifications for General MIDI, SMF V2, DAW control (replace Mackie HUI), pitch profiles and mechanisms, drawbar organ, rotary speaker, subtractive synthesizer, piano and guitar.
The Orchestral Articulation profile is a new idea under discussion that will use MIDI 2.0 note on and note off message fields to place standardized articulation data directly inside MIDI notes. This could allow a part written for one instrument to switch to another instrument but maintain all the musically appropriate instrument articulations.
The SMF V2 committee is focused on developing a new MIDI file format that includes MIDI 1.0, MIDI 2.0, notation, audio and other media in a single file.
Join the MIDI Association for free and receive the MIDI newsletter. https://www.midi.org/ _________________ Remembering Harold Fogle (1945-1999) Pedal Steel Player
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