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Nick Fryer

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2021 6:45 am    
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Hi -

I know there have been many threads about shipping but I thought I'd start a new one if that's OK.

Has anyone ever used R&L Carriers to ship Steels?


I recently bought a pretty heavy piece of equipment for my shop and it was shipped to me via R&L Carriers. The equipment was delivered to me on a wood pallet, the pallet was taken on and off the truck via a lift and then wheeled up my driveway to my back door on a electric forklift. The equipment came from Colorado and was delivered to my home in Ohio. The total weight of the pallet weighed about 80lbs and it cost me $115. It got me wondering why people don't use this service for shipping Steel Guitars. There has to be a catch, because it seems too good to be true. I need to read up on their website more but thought it might be good to post here. Any thoughts or similar services used by others?

Thanks - NF
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Brian Hollands

Geneva, FL USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2021 7:46 am    
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I've never used R&L but I have used Forward Air to ship an engine and it was very economical. Never thought about using them for an instrument. You may be on to something...
'81 Sho-bud LDG, 2 EMCI's
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Dan Kelly

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 5 May 2021 9:04 am    
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I have both shipped and received large / heavy items from R&L at my home. R&L seems to have a lot of trailers with the "lift gate" feature for deliveries to locations with no dock. R&L communicates delivery times and pick up times well and I have found them to be easy to do business with. Here is a pic of the trailer with the "lift gate:"

I believe R&L handles only palletized shipments. So... I can imagine that, properly packaged and protected, a steel could be shipped via R&L.

Even if palletized, the PSG would still need to be packaged well.

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Mike Wilson


Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2021 5:10 am    
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I used to drive for R & L Carriers and I will tell you that anything that is labeled fragile is treated with the utmost care. I have never seen any of the drivers throw anything around. Everything for the most part is palleted and either fork lifted or handtrucked onto and off the trailer or truck. I too, have often wondered why they were not used to ship steel guitars. I don't know about the other LTL companies, but I would trust R&L with the most expensive crystal. They are a good shipping company.
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