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George Myers


Houston Texas, USA
Post  Posted 2 May 2021 11:45 pm    
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Hi, new here and to lap steel.

I was wasting time looking around Amazon and came across some very inexpensive lap steel guitar's.

I have a app tuner on my pc that displays the frequency of notes. And here is my problem.

I am trying to tune to C6 but I have no idea what the frequency's are for lap steel on C6 tuning. I have searched for a few hours tonight without success.

If someone could point me to a list of C6 notes and their frequency's for lap steel, I would sure appreciate it. I have tried tuning to the frequency of some lists I have found on line. I am either breaking strings or have them so lose the app on my pc will not even pick them up.

I have just ordered 6 more sets of strings from this sites store and hope I do not go through them as fast as my first 3 sets.

I have no music background. Could not tell you a C from a E note. Reason I want to tune by frequency is to help me recognize the sound of each note. I'm old and hearing is not what is was in my younger years.

Thanks for any suggestions/info
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 3 May 2021 2:45 am    
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Here is a chart. Be certain that the string set is specifically for C6: CEGACE , low-to-high.

Edited to replace with this corrected chart:

Last edited by Jon Light (deceased) on 3 May 2021 8:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Paul Arntson

Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2021 6:57 am    
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I think you might want to be an octave down from these frequencies. Just divide all the numbers on the right by two.
Excel D10 8&4, Supro 8, Regal resonator, Peavey Powerslide, homemade lap 12(a work in progress)
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 3 May 2021 6:58 am    
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I have a phone app called Cleartune which can tell you the name of the note you're playing and its frequency, or in its other mode sound any note you ask it to.
Make sleeping dogs tell the truth!
Homebuilt keyless U12 7x5, Excel keyless U12 8x8, Williams keyless U12 7x8, Telonics rack and 15" cabs

Last edited by Ian Rae on 3 May 2021 8:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 3 May 2021 7:09 am    
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Ugh. Paul, you are absolutely correct! Thanks.

Here is (should be) the corrected graphic.

This is pulled from here:
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George Myers


Houston Texas, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2021 4:12 pm    
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Jon, Paul and Ian Thank you all, very much appreciated. Soon as I get my new strings, will give it try.
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Allan Revich

Victoria, BC
Post  Posted 4 May 2021 4:48 pm    
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George, have you considered just getting yourself a tuner? Either a clip-on for acoustics (and most electrics), or a pedal for electrics? Clip ons can be had for only around $20.
Current Tunings:
6 String | G – G B D G B D
7 String | G6 – e G B D G B D (re-entrant)

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Brad Richard

Chisago City, Minnesota
Post  Posted 5 May 2021 10:07 am    
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I'll second Allan's advice. Clip-on tuners are easy to use and accurate. I've got a few. If I want to be uber-accurate I use my Korg CA-50 Chromatic tuner ($20) or if you want to go max-uber, get a Korg TM-20 Tuner/Metronome ($23). I think the TM-20 may even brew coffee for you before practice Very Happy .

By the way, you're best off identifying note sounds with note names rather than frequencies as the names are what are normally used and referenced.

Mainly, just have fun!
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George Myers


Houston Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2021 6:57 pm    
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I bought an app called StroboSoft. Reason I picked that app was for the freq readout and the strob feature.

Use to work for a company in network control, we monitored data lines and with a scope, we could tell what type of problems were on the line. Noise/phase hits/jetter etc etc. That is why favor looking at the frequency. Know all that does not apply but I'm a sucker for flashing lights and buttons.

The app has three other displays, Oscilloscope, spectrum and pitch. Nice to look at but at my level they are not that usefull.

I will take your adive and buy a clip-on for when I am not hear my computer.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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