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Author Topic:  MSA Legend Tips?
Al Evans

Austin, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jan 2021 6:17 am    
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I'm still getting used to my "new" MSA Legend, and there are a couple of things different from any of the other three pedal steels I've had. I know there are other people here playing them, so I'm looking for some tips.

First, the legs on mine are one inch instead of 7/8" -- I understand they've now changed back to the "regular" diameter. This makes it hard to attach anything to them like bar holders, Tom Bradshaw's tab rack, etc. Has anybody found a good way to do this? Velcro, hose clamps, ...? Everything I've thought of seems either dangerous to the chrome plating or way too ugly.

Second, changing strings. The key head is a half inch or so shorter than I'm used to, and the tuner posts are not all the same length. Cutting the string two tuner spaces beyond the target tuner and and having it wrap around the post several times doesn't seem to work, particularly for strings 1 and 10. Does anybody have a great solution?

Changing strings on the E9th neck for the first time a couple days ago, I had two -- strings 2 and 3 -- just slip out of the tuner posts after I brought them up to tension. PTANG! I've never had such a thing happen before except on one acoustic guitar long ago that had one tuner that was "special".

And on the same subject, I had a really hard time getting the 0.070 string (C6th 10th string) to go through the hole in the tuner post at all, let along figuring out where to cut it. I think I ended up with maybe one turn around the post. Any clever tricks?

And I did find out one useful thing. I was having a problem with strings popping out of the changer fingers while I was tightening the tuner end (I guess I'm spoiled by my Mullen G2, which just doesn't have this tendency). I found that a bridge pin from an acoustic guitar fits perfectly into the hole in the finger. That, and pre-bending the ball end of the strings, took care of the problem nicely.

Thanks for any help you can offer! I did get the strings changed, and new strings are always a wonderful thing!

--Al Evans
2018 MSA Legend, 2018 ZumSteel Encore, 2015 Mullen G2, G&L S-500, G&L ASAT, G&L LB-100, Godin A4 Fretless, Kinscherff High Noon
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J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 28 Jan 2021 9:33 am    
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JustStrings.com sells the strings above o.068 as "Bass" strings. Same brands available as most use.

I got a pair, and it's just that, the same strings, just thicker.

... J-D.

Was it JFK who said: Ask Not What TAB Can Do For You - Rather Ask Yourself "What Would B.B. King Do?"

A Little Mental Health Warning:

The uses of Tablature is addictive and has been linked to reduced musical fertility.
Those who produce Tablature did never use it.

I say it humorously, but I mean it.
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