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Author Topic:  Rod Hart Rodeo Man
Randy Phelps

California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2008 3:58 pm    
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I am looking to see if anyone ever played with Rod Hart and if anyone has a copy of "Rodeo Man". The song was used in the film Junior Bonner and I'd like to work it up to play at a couple of gigs we've lined up at rodeos...

Thanks to anyone who has heard of Rod Hart and/or knows the song or has a copy.

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William Gallagher

California, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2021 4:46 pm    
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Hey Randy, Not sure if you're still on SGF but I like to cruise old messages and saw this one from 12 years ago. Boy does this bring back fond memories! I played pedal steel with Rod Hart at Matt's on Whiskey Row in Prescott around 1978 or so. I was just listening to one of my favorite songs, Arizona Morning. It's on YouTube. Rodeo Man is on there too. That was filmed at the Palace Bar right next door. (That bar has a whole other story to tell. Built in 1877, Wyatt Earp was involved in several gunfights behind the saloon, killing two men. Doc Holliday also killed a man in the saloon during a knife fight. There were still bullet holes in the copper plate ceiling back then.) I lived in Prescott from '73 until I moved to the SF Bay Area in '79 and played every bar in town - I think there were 11 at the time within two square blocks. Anyway, give me a holler here on the Forum if you're still around. Music wise, I keep at it (COVID notwithstanding) and play a '75 Emmons p/p; Duesenberg Alamo lap steel and an old Dobro with a Paul Beard Hipshot. Cheers, Kevin
Here's the Rodeo Man clip:
'75 Emmons p/p, Duesenberg Alamo, Dobro with Hipshot, Nashville 112, Little Walter 22/50, Fender Blues Deluxe, and enough effects gear to fill a dump truck.
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