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Author Topic:  Fish
Mel Bergman

Camarillo, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2020 3:55 pm    
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Howdy friends,

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. Recently Steve Fishell's (Fish) nephew Miles contracted a very serious bacterial blood infection called meningococcal disease. The lad is only 23 years old, and is facing myriad medical bills and challenges. I have been friends with The Fishells for almost 40 years, and I know they would be grateful for any help, even if it is only a kind word. They are wonderful people and are deserving of our kindness.

Here is a link to the GoFund me campaign for Miles:


As many of you know, Fish has been a big part of the Steel Guitar community for many years. Besides his work with Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell, etc. he is the brain behind the outstanding "Big E" Buddy Emmons tribute record of a few years ago. Let's give Fish and his nephew a heartfelt Christmas present this year. Many thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas to all of you.

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