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Author Topic:  If You Could Touch Her At All
Curt Trisko

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2020 2:43 pm    
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I came across this cover recently and it has been an earworm for me ever since:


When I hear steel like that, I imagine that it comes from a player who is an experienced, solid musician, but not terribly experienced on the instrument. The parts usually hit the spot, even if they aren't what
most steel players would choose to play - and some of the steel tropes are either overdone or done in a less than tasty way.

By the way, this is a great song for steel. I'm surprised it's not one of the standards. I had the opportunity to create a steel part for it for a Willie cover show last year. It plays so naturally on steel and the band liked it so much that I was given an instrumental break to solo on.
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