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Author Topic:  NEW Bruce Bouton Pedal Steel Course!
John Spaulding

Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2021 7:10 pm    
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In his Neo-Traditional Country course, Bruce guides you through his licks and solos on "Highway 40 Blues", "Country Boy", "Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)", "Shameless", "My Next Broken Heart", "That Summer", and "Old Enough To Know Better".


In the mid-'80s, Country music welcomed a new crop of young singers with a more classic country sound. Fiddles, Teles and Pedal Steels were back on the charts and Bruce Bouton was there to keep the pedal steel front-and center with mega acts like Ricky Skaggs, Garth Brooks, Brooks & Dunn and Wade Hayes.

Bruce shares his stories and insights on the recording scene at the time and his recollection of the tracking session. He demonstrates all of the examples on his newly-reacquired Emmons push-pull, the same guitar that he used on many of the original recordings.

Full of musical ideas you can use in countless applications, "Neo-Traditional Country" is a great collection of classic-style E9 pedal steel licks that helped define the era and are currently being used in Americana bands everywhere.

Bruce talk-teaches you through each idea slowly, and each section has backing tracks included to play along with when you get the licks learned up-to-speed.

Add these great pedal steel licks to your own bag of tricks!

Click here for more info: Bruce Bouton's Neo-Traditional Country E9 pedal steel guitar course.
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