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Author Topic:  Links to Some Steel Videos I've made while in Quarantine
Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 7:09 pm    
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While hunkering down in the family compound since March, the Sad Machine® and I have been practicing Physical and Mental Therapy together. Also, I've been learning how to edit video on my computer. Then (forehead smack!) I started combining the two! "Tales of the Sad Machine®" was born. Many I've posted on Facebook as I spend a lot of time there. But I did not want to seemingly abandon the SGF, in which I have participated since--1997? I'm sure b0b knows.

Links here are in roughly the order the vids were created over the Spring and Summer (not necessarily the YouTube upload date. Some are refined edits or new versions of earlier attempts.)


Pacific Rim Pop

WayTo Survive - Waltz

Accustomed to Her Face

I Hear Music

So What if the Angels Sing

Touch My Heart

There are more but you'll find 'em if you want to. #SadMachine®

Plus my pal Jack created a very cool logo for me to brand the videos with like the CBS Eye Smile Smile

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