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Author Topic:  Value of Marlen Steel
Justin Emmert


Greensboro, NC
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2020 9:54 am    
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I've been storing this steel for my brother-in-law for several years now and need to make some space in the basement. Hoping you guys can tell me a little about it and what it's worth. Thanks.

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Jonathan Reynolds

Nashville, Tennessee
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2020 2:52 pm    
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Justin, it's a push pull - if not, it's a pull release. It's definitely from the 60s. Price-wise, is up to you. I would start at $1200 or higher considering this one has the 4 knee levers. That badge isn't original. I believe they were metal ones that were bolted on to the front apron. But that badge on it looks better than original one ha. It'll sell. There's a market for vintage steel guitars. The tone is what will sell it and the Marlens have a really nice ring to them. That's why I still got that D-10 Marlen of mine around.
Jonathan Reynolds

Steel Guitar at Sammy Kershaw
Parterned with Evans Amplifiers
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Justin Emmert


Greensboro, NC
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2020 3:56 pm    
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Thanks Jonathan. I figured 60s on the date. I'm gonna put some strings on it, oil it and tune it up to see what kind of tone it has. I'll post some video. should be interesting.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2020 4:50 pm    
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Yes, it's a pull/release '69 Marlen, with (added) later design knee levers. Looks like someone has also updated the crossshaft bearings - a good idea, since the originals were pretty cheap. The badge is indeed a later piece also, and I believe the large metal ones often seen were actually made for the early cases. I've also seen similar and earlier ones with a decal, or with an engraved plaque. Maybe someone more knowledgeable, like Ricky Davis, knows about what's correct for this model. Value is probably between $1200 and $1400 in today's market, given the shape it's in.

IMHO, these are somewhat comparable to the early Sho~Buds, but never were as popular with the pros. I have a similar D10 model.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2020 6:19 pm    
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Yeah looks like Donny nailed down a lot of details. I mainly stayed away from the 60's models; mainly because of the mechanics needed so much overhaul to play better...and THIS ONE HAD IT DONE....those parts underneath have been all changed out from original and they look GREAT...I bet this thing plays awesome.
Yes '69 Marlen Custom......and CUSTOM is the main ingredient ...as I have never seen a single neck on a Double neck body from Marlen that early...as I'm sure it was an ONLY and Custom made for the customer that ordered it.
Donny's right; I don't think they put that huge metal "Marlen" badge/plate on the STeels....I've never seen one.; but again; someone added many things on this Marlen and so "what the heck..how bout this plate??"" ...ha....
Let us know how it tunes up and plays...and do a quick search "How to tune a pull-release Marlen" and you will get many great instructions on how to tune that baby.
P.S. I didn't give a price estimate...simply because when you put stirngs on and tune it up and play it...you will say: "OMG; this is the best sounding steel guitar I've ever played"...PERIOD.......so you won't want to sell it.
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky: sshawaiian2362@gmail.com
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