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Author Topic:  Comparison of George L's Pickups Specs
Mike Auman

North Texas, USA
Post  Posted 10 Jul 2020 11:29 am    
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I was recently trying to understand the differences between the pickups in George L's 10-string line. The info on their website is helpful but not complete. So I called up Kimberly at George L's, who actually winds the pickups and is delightfully funny, to fill the gaps in my knowledge. I thought I'd share that info here.

These are the technical specs (blade type and winding ohms) for their current line of 10-string dual-blade humbucking pickups. Since they're blades and not pole pieces, they also work with less than 10 strings, and for any string spacing. I needed one for a custom 8-string lap steel, shout out to Bob Allen here...

Since I believe tone is largely in the fingers, as well as the ears and sometimes the head, and since all my taste is in my mouth anyway, I won't attempt to describe how these sound. There are sound clips comparing some of them, and other pickups, posted to SoundCloud by Jon Light and originally produced by John Fabian at Carter Guitars. That thread is at https://bb.steelguitarforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=248049 and the sound files can be heard at https://soundcloud.com/jolt12/sets/pickup-comparisons . I hope you find this useful. Mike

Long-time guitar player, now wrestling with lap steel.
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Gene Tani

Pac NW
Post  Posted 10 Jul 2020 5:36 pm    
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Very helpful, I love e66's. They also do what i think are custom winds for GFI (never played a GFI).

This was teh Carter soundclip page: https://web.archive.org/web/20100329223102/http://www.steelguitar.com/resource/pickups/pusounds.htm
- keyless Sonny Jenkins laps stay in tune forever!; Carter PSG
- The secret sauce: polyester sweatpants to buff your picks, cheapo Presonus channel strip for preamp/EQ/compress/limiter, Diet Mountain Dew
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