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Michael Sullivan

Tucson, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2020 11:27 am    
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When I discovered the "Steel Guitar Forum" it was like an answer to prayer. To find really good tablature through the generosity of other steel guitar players is truly a gift and one I'm sure we all appreciate. Finding other resources is also something that the forum has helped me with and over the last two years I have found some of the best. But today I wanted to share perhaps the finest instructional material I have ever found, Mike Headrick's "Sweet-Hot off The Rotisserie". There are two CD/tab with thirteen instrumental songs inspired by The Byrds "Sweet Heart of the Rodeo" album. The quality of the recordings and the spot on accuracy of the tablature is simply unmatched by anything currently available because until now, it just didn't exist. I can say this with confidence because I have searched obsessively and believe me, you won't find it anywhere .Recently, I was asked to play "You Ain't Going Nowhere" with my band and was thrilled to find the tab right here on the forum, it was perfect and got me through the gig. But when I heard Mike Headrick's version my heart was really pounding knowing that I now had a truly polished version and the tab to help me play it. There is a five minute audio sample to listen to on his website but in reality you'll only need less than a minute before your heart is pounding. Here is the link to his website, https://www.mikeheadrick.com click on tablature and you'll be directed to the audio samples.This will definitely make you smile and take your mind off of the COVID quarantine. Enjoy this moment in time, we are very lucky when something like this happens. Thank you Mike Headrick

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