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Author Topic:  Thank you to our subscribers at Music City Licks
Mike Bourque


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2020 11:26 am    
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I want to really thank our subscribers at


This is the only source of income that lots of us have at the moment (including myself and most of the teachers on the site ).
The loyalty of our customers mean a lot.

If anyone wants to join up it's $19.99 per month for access to all the video lessons from Travis Toy , Cowboy Eddie Long , Eddy Dunlap. Jim Loessberg, Wayne Dahl , Nathan Flemming , and Danny Mohammad. There is so much information on the steel guitar in these videos, like licks and how to use them, pick / hand blocking techniques, making the most of simple setups and how to use more complex setups, how to approach playing minors/augmented and diminished chords and soloing as well as study's of the minor pentatonic modes which is rather hard to find on steel guidar.

Also new videos are being made and uploaded at the moment , we put up a few new ones yesterday and will be continuing to do so as well get some new ones recorded too. Thank you for your support and we hope everything can resume to normal soon.
Emmons Wraparounds and cut tails, Zum D10, Blantons , Fulawkas , Franklin D10, Sho Bud Permanents and Fingertips,Jacksons and Telecasters
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