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Author Topic:  Session 500 parametric mod help & tips
Eugene Cole

near Washington Grove, MD, USA
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2020 10:36 am    
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I am wondering if the Session 500 circuit for midrange can be “easily” modified to add an adjustable bandwidth control so that one can have a true parametric instead of a semi-parametric midrange control.

I suspect that it is just a matter of replacing a resistor with a pot. And of course figuring out an elegant solution for installing the new pot and for routing the wiring. But my circuit/electronics knowledge is not vast enough to know which component I need to tap in to, nor whether the circuit is readily conducive to such a modification.

Yes I use an outboard EQ; however the idea of reducing the number of pieces of gear I am using has growing appeal as my age increases. Spending a bit of time de-soldering and soldering is not an issue for me
-- Eugene <sup>at</sup> FJ45.com


Sierra U14 8+5 my copedent, 1972 MSA D10 8+4, and nothing in the Bank. 8^)
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