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Author Topic:  Bill Lawrence pickups
Brint Hannay


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2006 7:45 pm    
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I wonder if anyone has first-hand knowledge of more than one of Bill Lawrence's pickup models? I e-mailed the company asking for some idea of how the models differ, but got no reply. The website has no information at all--one of the most useless websites I've seen (the "Steel Guitar" part of it). So, if anyone knows, how does the LXR-16 compare sonically to the 710? And isn't there (or wasn't there) a 910, and how does it compare with either or both of the others?

[This message was edited by Brint Hannay on 25 October 2006 at 10:05 PM.]

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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2006 8:34 pm    
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I have used George L - E-66, TrueTones, L-710, L-910 and now XLR-16 Lawrence pickups in my 1983 Emmons Push Pull. Here are my findings.

The E-66s picked up some hum and seemed a bit thin to my ear.

The L-710s were somewhat brighter than I liked and picked up some hum with the pedal down.

The 910s overloaded on the bass strings when I plucked hard, sounding like I was playing through a compressor. aside from the compression the 910s sounded very balanced and smooth.

The XLR-16s are the cat's meow. Great tone, clear highs, no compression overloading on heavy picking on the bass strings and absolutely no hum. If you can find a pair I recommend them. Check with Danny Hullihen to see if he has any in his store.

Single coil pickups have a bad time where I play, so humbuckers are a must.

Bob "Wiz" Feinberg
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[This message was edited by Wiz Feinberg on 25 October 2006 at 09:37 PM.]

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Dave Diehl


Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2006 3:31 am    
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May try calling the toll free number listed on their website Brint and tell them what you're looking for. I just called them yesterday and they were very helpful. Sometimes it takes them a couple days to respond back by email. I have the 710's on three of my guitars (Emmons and MSA Classic) they are great sounding pickups. I am switching out a 910 on my Zum E9th to a 710 in attempt to enhance the lows. Opinions are like other things.... everyone has one. I've found, regarding your very question, that everyone differs in their opinion on the differences between the models...and in some cases they are 180 degrees out of sync. I usually bounce my questions regarding pickups off Bobbe Seymour.. he's always steered me in a good direction.
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2006 5:37 am    
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The Carter website has soundfiles comparing the XR-16 to True-Tones and George L pickups, if that would help. I have always found the Lawrences to be really helpful by phone, but sometimes it does take a bit to get through. http://www.steelguitar.com/resource/pickups/pickupin.htm
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