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Author Topic:  Two Notes CABM
Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 29 Feb 2020 12:11 pm    
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Is anyone using the Two Notes CABM? I've had one for probably a year and haven't used it much, but I've recently been fooling around with it at home and have dialed in a pretty good tone in my IEMs. I'm looking forward to trying it at a gig with no amp no stage.

All I'm using in the CABM is the power amp (6l6 pentode) and speaker cab (JBLs) features with ribbon mics. The signal goes from my steel to a Sarno BB, to a Hilton volume pedal, to a Wet Reverb pedal, to a Keeley Limiting Amp pedal, to a Sarno V8, and then to the CABM. That sounds like a lot, and I suppose it is. But it sounds very much like I'm playing through a good Twin Reverb, at least in my ears.

I've been using the 1977 Twin Reverb simulation included in the standard packet that came with the CABM, but I'm wondering if anyone has found anything better. All the other simulations that came with the CABM appear to be focused on the rock guitarist. That's obviously where the market is. I wish they would offer a pedal steel collection of sims/IRs.

The CABM allows for third party IRs to be loaded into the pedal via a memory card reader port. Apparently a person can create IRs as well. I have no idea how to do any of that. Does anyone have any sims/IRLs appropriate for clean PSG, such as Little Walter, Milkman, Telonics, etc.?
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