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Roy Campbell


Post  Posted 30 Dec 2019 10:32 am    
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Trying to re-fit 5th Knee Lever (LKV) on my BMI SD10 to drop Bs to Bb but can't get them to just drop the semi-tone. Tried everything I know but they are still lowering way too much and there's no stop fitted on the lever. Tried contacting BMI about another problem recently but no response so no point in trying to contact them about this. Would be grateful for any suggestions Thank you in advance.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2019 11:44 am    
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I don't understand.. If you keep backing off the nylons on Both B lowers they will get to the point where they aren't even contacting the changer, and won't lower at all. that goes for ANY all pull changer.

. Also try different holes on the bellcrank, if you have not already done that.

If you back them ALL the way out and you are still lowering too much, the Pull rods are too short.. or something.

If you want to lower with shorter amounts of travel, its very simple to add an adjustable stop on the bellcranks as well.
You should NOT have to do that though.. Sounds like the nylon tuners need to be backed off more... bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2019 4:02 pm    
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On my BMI, for both Bs I am using the 5th hole on the pullers/bellcranks. That's the hole closest to the floor when the guitar is assembled and set up. On the changer end, for both strings, I am using the top holes, closest to the raise holes.

.017 and .036W strings.
Lee, from South Texas - Down On The Rio Grande

There are only two options as I see it.
Either I'm right, or there is a sinister conspiracy to conceal the fact that I'm right.

Williams Keyless S-10, BMI S-10, Evans FET-500LV, Fender Steel King, 2 Roland Cube 80XL's,
Sarno FreeLoader, Goodrich Passive Volume Pedals, Vintage ACE Pack-A-Seat
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Lyle Dent

Little Rock ,Arkansas
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2019 7:03 pm     Bmi
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Roy, take the nylon nut ioff and make sure the metal spacer is in place and does not go through the changer finger. Make sure the bellvrank on the cross plate is facing the proper way, you can look at it he others to determine this. Call or email Don at BMI , I’m sure he will get back to you.
Rittenberry Prestige SD-12,Mullen G2 SD-12 ,Mullen PRP S-12 BMI S-12 V8 octal, BJS Bars, LiveSteelStrings,Steelers Choice Seat.
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