Gregory Morland
From: Illinois, USA
Posted 27 Sep 2019 7:20 am
Hey, y'all. First gig, broken guitar. Here we go! I get to learn!
My right knee lever inside (F#) is jumping the little nylon stopper and gliding to infinity and getting stuck there.
Can anyone maybe link me to a good step by step troubleshoot guide? I'd love to know how to fix this and further learn what other common problems I might face down the road.
Thanks! |
Lee Warren
From: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Posted 27 Sep 2019 8:35 am
This is from a message posted by Doug Earnest, who builds the Stage One guitars.
Hope it helps!
The only weak point on a Stage One is the knee lever mounting tabs. They can be bent if you are not careful when you get under the guitar, causing the mounting tabs to not contact the white nylon knee lever stops. It is a simple matter to correct the problem.
Turn the guitar upside down on a suitable work surface such as a table or counter top, just as you would put it in the case - front legs away from you.
Operate the lever and observe if the mounting tab for the knee lever is engaging the white round nylon stops. The mounting tab, not the folding lever, is the part that must make contact. If this is not the case, grasp the lever and gently bend it to correct the problem. You won't hurt anything, just be careful.
It is likely that the lever will be out of tune. Consult the owners manual for the correct tuning procedure.
In the case of the left knee levers being out of tune, which is often the case, do the following, in this order -
Turn all of the white tuning nuts on strings 4 and 8 counterclockwise several turns.
Turn the white tuning nut for the C pedal, pedal 3, for string 5 counterclockwise several turns.
Turn the 7/64" socket head cap screws located in the endplate above the tuning nut window for strings 4 and counterclockwise several turns
Note the position of the changer finger for strings 4 and 8. It should be in line with all the other changer fingers. If not, adjust the red tuning nut.
This should put the changer and levers back in a neutral position so they can be re-tuned correctly.
Adjust the open tuning of strings 4, 5, and 8 to proper pitch at the keyhead.
Now tune the Left Left knee lever strings 4 and 8 to the F note
Tune the C pedal string 4 to the F# note, slightly flat will be better
Tune the C pedal string 5 to the C# note. Sound strings 5 and 4 together using the B and C pedals, adjust the pitch of the 4th string to best sound to your ear.
Finally, adjust the Left Right knee lever to lower 4 and 8 to Eb (D# if you prefer to call it that) using the 7/64" socket head screw in the endplate
That should do it. |