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Author Topic:  Recondition old P/P fingers/How often?
Steven Welborn


Post  Posted 6 Aug 2006 12:03 pm    
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It doesnt seem to take long to wear grooves into my P/P fingers ('72). I do a polish with semichrome fairly often, between string changes. Whch doesnt really completely eliminate the groove. Once maybe twice since Ive owned this guitar, to completely eliminate the groove, I sanded with various grades before a final polish. How many of you do this and HOW OFTEN. Im wonderig how many times these old fingers can be reconditioned this way before it would be preferable to replace with new fingers, assuming you could.
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Dave Magram


San Jose, California, USA
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2006 11:28 pm    
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Hi Steven,

You may want to check if there are support blocks in the case to keep the guitar bridge from resting on the bottom of the case and wearing grooves in it.

Many old Emmons cases did not have support blocks. Even if you do have the blocks, they may have worn down.

You can test this by putting a sheet of paper in each end of the case, putting your guitar in the case, and seeing if the paper slides out easily or is pinned to the case bottom by the guitar.

I cut away a few inches of the case lining, glued some thin wood pieces of the right height to the inside of the case at both ends, and glued the lining onto the blocks along with a small strip of an old towel on top to avoid scratching the guitar.

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