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Author Topic:  Headphone amp, MP3/AUX input
Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2019 1:57 am    
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There was a thread about these not long ago which I lost track of.

I own one of these, its a US Classic. Sonicake brand.

USB charge, AUX input, reverb,( on or off) volume, tone , gain and phones out. This one comes with the USB cable and a stereo AUX cable to connect to the MP3 player or PC. It was $28 Amazon. Its not bad, also not great, its $28. What are we expecting ? It plugs directly into the guitar or Steel, it leans bright but its functional. The tone control is minimal. The gain feature is minimal, some gain or NO gain. No gain is clean. Its easy to overdrive the input with the Steel and V Pedal, so be aware. To use it with the Steel and V pedal you'll need a cable with a 1/4 inch male on one end a 1/4 female on the other end. Not a big deal.

The AUX input level is controlled by your player or PC, not this unit. There is no AUX input level control .

overall, for the money it functions fine, does what it is intended. I look at it as a throw away. You can spend more for a Pizza and a couple of Beers !

Don't think of these under $50 items as high quality, lifelong investments.

They work for what they are intended, don't seek tone to the bone. You get what you get and you practice or play along with audio.

Supposedly power lasts up to 5 hours before recharging. I've never had it on that long.

I do use it near everyday, its a fine practice tool if you wanna be QUIET !

Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
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Rick Contino

Brattleboro, Vermont
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2019 4:39 pm    
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Cool. Thanks for the heads up on this, Tony.
Shobud "The Professional" D-10, Stage One S-10, National "New Yorker," NV400
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Gene Tani

Pac NW
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2019 5:54 am    
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There's lots of flavors of these, I found one that works well and a few I coudn't stand, the Vox Clean was the keeper: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/search.php?s=amplug

The sonicake version has rechargeable battery but I paid full retail for the version I wanted
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