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Author Topic:  Adding a change to a max'd out changer
Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 7:14 am    
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My setup wants (not needs) 3 lowers on the 8th string E. But since this Williams has a fixed shaft installed for return compensators, I want to take advantage of it. Because it's there. I'm early in my learning how to use this feature so I haven't yet determined how important it is to me.

So I needed to either lose a change or convert it to 4 lowers on a 3/3 changer.

I considered a gizmo and even contacted Tom Bradshaw who was certainly willing to work with me but who clearly does not enjoy assembling or making the jigs to machine what seems like a PITA little piece to make. Which is why I haven't tried to make one myself although I did consider it.

This solution requires a rod that on one end slips through the bellcrank the way it would slip through the changer. You can't see it but this all-Carter rig (except for the Bud barrel) has a nylon bushing instead of a dogbone on the left and a locking thru-pin on the right. I could have used a nylon tuner with a washer instead of the Sho-Bud barrel (which, btw, uses a screw instead of the litle set screw because my 1/16" allen was slipping and wouldn't lock it. I'll pick up a better-sized screw when I get the chance).
It works perfectly. The features of the Carter crank that make this work are that it's got a good surface for the barrel to butt against and its straight-thru rod style allows for the slack and slippage that is necessary, without anything falling out of forks or slots.
What I have here is P8 pulling on the cross shaft of RKR.

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