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Author Topic:  Jeff Newman & his Mooney machine ( Stomp Box Compressor)
autry andress


Plano, Tx.
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2019 12:09 pm    
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Looking for more Info.
Jeff had a stomp Box Compressor he called his mooney machine. Looking for more Input: Did any one ever use
or try it. Any one playing one on utube ???

Thanks to each & ever one for your comments.
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Georg Sørtun

Mandal, Agder, Norway
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2019 3:26 pm    
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Have no idea what Jeff used, but any compressor that time-delays the attack may work to enhance the attack-sound and somewhat emulate "the Mooney-sound". The rest is playing technique, as you have to play like Mooney to sound like him.

I am not into the Mooney sound as such, but use a Boss LMB-3 Limiter/Enhancer to emulate old (and more slow-acting) compressors and tube-amp compression with SS amps. The LMB-3 is made to enhance the attack for "slap techniques on electric bass", and have wide enough adjustment ranges to suit my needs for enhancing the attack sound (which is what you want), duck previous notes without physically muting them (a bonus), and sustain the tails (hold the sustained notes), on my PSGs. It is a very playable and natural sounding effect box, that may work for what is described once set and played right.
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Barry Coker

Bagley Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2019 5:21 pm     Mooney Machine
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I attended a Jeff Newman seminar in 1975 or 76 and the Mooney sound came up in discussion. Jeff told a story as only he could of doing recording work in Nashville for those who wanted the "Mooney" sound. As it went Jeff was doing quite well doing the "Mooney" sound one day the word came that Ralf was moving to Nashville. As Jeff told it he thought he would starve because Ralf would take all the "Mooney" recording work but after Ralf's arrival Jeff was doing even More "Mooney" Recordings.
As Jeff told it Moon couldn't play Moon any more. The Mooney sound was Just what Georg said older slower compressors that caused a Slap or Pop of sorts when it acted to compress Mooney's hard attack and high volume as the recording equipment got better the slap went away.
As Jeff put it his magic Mooney box was a Bad Compressor that caused a slap as the old recording equipment did.

Zum-D-10, Webb 614-E, 65 Pro Reverb, Evans RE200, 69 Gibson Birdland, 89 Telecaster EAD Bad!!
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