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Author Topic:  My Steel Guitar Never Grows Old
Jeremiah Hanley


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2019 8:07 pm    
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I read a comment the other day about an individual that attended the Steel Guitar Super Show in Branson and he was commenting it was one of the best steel guitar shows he had ever seen! I'm always glad to hear a good report like that! One thing this individual said was that it wasn't just a 'boring' steel show but it had a good variety of singers and interesting happenings to boot! I couldn't understand how a steel guitar player would ever consider a steel show 'boring'. The steel guitar is a very enchanting instrument. It's sound alone is what makes it fascinating! The way it's played, be it country or jazz or Hawaiian is the appreciation of the one who bought the instrument and plays it! My attitude about steel guitar shows and jams or just playing it at home, is reason enough to place attention to the steel itself! In a steel show you will hear a lead guitar and a bass guitar and drums and a piano player. Each of them will play on each song the verse or maybe the bridge and by the time every instrument has played, you hear more of other instruments than you do the steel guitar. That is a wonderful group of instruments to back up a steel guitar! In other words, you hear other instruments more than you do the steel guitar! The reason we are at the steel guitar show is why some of us have driven from Oklahoma, Michigan, South Carolina, we want to hear the steel. I can't understand why a person would say the phrase 'a boring steel guitar show'! The steel guitar show in Branson is a good example and a good place to hear good quality and good quantity of steel music! The president and his helpers have been taught how it's done by Terry Bethel, himself! So if you want to start a steel show or jam, or maybe both, the Branson gang can tell you how it's done! Just be sure the steel guitar has it's rightful place at the show or jam!
Jerry and Venda
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Bill Edwards


Centerton, AR
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 2:51 am    
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I just wanted to say I am getting back into playing steel after a 20 year break and I was at this show and met some wonderful people it was great fellowship and I actually picked up some tips watching the other players, this was a awesome show.
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Jeremiah Hanley


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 11:39 am    
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Glad to hear another good report about the show in Branson!!! Charlie Steichen is a good emcee and he knows how to keep everything going right on time!! He and his wife are real hard workers!
Jerry and Venda
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 11:47 am    
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I have to say that, while my steel guitar show experience is limited, I found myself wearying of hearing some tunes actually repeated by different players during the day.

I wouldn't have said 'boring', exactly, but there wasn't enough musical variety for me. I found myself seeking relief and going elsewhere for an hour here and there. Naturally I expected a fair amount of country music but those tired chord sequences got a bit much at times.

This is no reflection on the handful of players who broke the boundaries - Doug Jernigan and Paul Franklin come to mind - but Paul actually lost audience members when he played 'outside the box'. Pointedly leaving when something isn't exactly your cup-of-tea is rude and narrow minded.
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 12:24 pm    
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I attended the Branson Super Show this year as I have since it started. And I have 30+ years of St. Louis ISGA along with the Smoky Mountain Jamboree, Ronnies Hot Springs Arkansas shows, Baxter Springs Kansas, Texas Steel Jamboree, Oklahoma shows, Terry Woods Conway Mo. shows, and countless others. Never have I been bored with the players. I watch, listen and learn from all the brave players who bear their souls for us to hear. I go to see steel guitar and admire the efforts of the backup band as well. I feel blessed to have known so many of the greats. I will continue my education and attendance as long as I am able. I second what Mr. Hanley stated.
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Larry Baker


Columbia, Mo. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2019 4:17 pm    
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Jeremiah, you are a great player yourself. You and Venda are greatly missed at the shows. Your Sunday services are always a blessing and very entertaining at the same time. We miss and Love you both. Larry and Jean.
Mullen G2 SD10 3 & 5 The Eagle
NV112 amp===Earnie Ball V.P.
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