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Author Topic:  "She's Got It All" - Kenny Chesney - Sonny Garrish Break
Jeff Garden

Center Sandwich, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2019 8:35 am    
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Here's a whack at a killer Sonny Garrish ride on Kenny Chesney's "She's Got It All". I heard this for the first time last week on the radio and couldn't wait to get home to check it out. Where have I been? I found out it's from 1997!

For those of you not real familiar with Sonny, I think he often doesn't get the credit he deserves...he's played on countless sessions over the years and is a fantastic musician. Here's a list of Sonny's credits https://www.allmusic.com/artist/sonny-garrish-mn0000084222/credits

Here's "She's Got It All" on youtube. The break starts at 2:18. As usual there are several ways to play it - I've given you a few options in places and you may come up with Option 3! Enjoy and as always questions, comments, and corrections are always welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-36IYN0nOnI

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Alexander Rehfeld


Hamburg, Germany
Post  Posted 1 May 2019 2:21 am    
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Great solo, thank you Jeff!
1974 Sho Bud "The Professional"; 2017 Show Pro D 10; BJS Bar "John Hughey"; Goodrich Steel Driver III; Live Steel Strings
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