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Author Topic:  MSA - need another knee
Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 3:37 pm    
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I would like to be able to access a E--D lower on my RKR, as an 'extension' to the E-Eb lower also on the RKR. Preferably on a separate 2nd RkR lever

I have an MSA S-12 with 5x5.

Any ideas on how to build this 2nd RKR lever and the parts I will need ?

Also, I have some ideas for a RKV....parts ?

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 5:44 pm    
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I think you might find that either a 2nd RKR or RKV is difficult to get used to. Most players concede that it interferes with their using the volume pedal.

That said, if you really want to do it, you'll need exactly the same parts used for any other lever. A lever pivot can be mounted almost anywhere you have room, and a short rod can be slaved from that to a cross shaft you might have to add (if you'll be pulling more than one string).
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Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 6:36 pm    
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I use two RKL levers. Here are some pictures of the bottom of my MSA Classic SS. This guitar had 4 knees on it when I got it and I made all the parts but the bellcranks and added the other 4. Any new guitar I buy, I have set up this way. It didn't seem too hard to me to get used to the extra RKL, but I've been using it for about 12 years or so. I got the idea from Tom Brumley, he uses two RKR's, but it was easier to add another RKL than another RKR.

Darvin Willhoite
Riva Ridge Recording

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