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Author Topic:  "The Girl InThe Glass" Backing Track
Rick McNamara


Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2018 7:19 pm    
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Howdy All,

Back in 2010 Andy Sandoval posted the tab and made the backing track available for "The Girl In The Glass" to any interested folks. I missed out on that!
I saw and saved a video earlier this year of Dave Flanagan doing the song live and have been hooked on the song ever since!
I have downloaded all the versions posted by players on youtube and they are all great. I noticed a lot of them seem to be using a common backing track which I believe is the one Andy Sandoval shared.
I have saved the tab that Andy posted but I'm in need of the Mp3 backing track. Anyone out there still have the file? I would sure love a copy!
If anyone is interested, I edited the tab for use with an 8 string PSG-Fender Long Scale 400 in my case.
I would be happy to share it. The tab is still setup for E9th Chromatic tuning, just without the high D# and F#.

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