I have gotten two of Ian McWee's bars in the past 6 months after searching for a Zirconia bar & without a doubt, these are my favorite bars. One is a pure lead crystal with a smoky grey swirl pattern spiriling up to the bullet-nose that is beautiful. The other is a speckled blue bar filled with a lead rod that is heavier and longer for my 12 string. He has a special method to polish the bar, and it's so smooth that I am not even aware of holding it while I am playing. I don't know which I like better, but probably prefer (at least this week) the solid lead crystal bar. It is extremely light & sustains great even on the bass strings, though I do center the bar over the string groupings I am playing. If you like a heavy bar, get the lead filled. You can contact them at www.diamondbottlenecks.com. Ian stands behind his bars.[This message was edited by tom anderson on 26 February 2006 at 06:52 AM.]
[This message was edited by tom anderson on 26 February 2006 at 06:53 AM.]