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Author Topic:  pedal 4 on C6 neck
Chuck Morel


Pottersville, New York
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2018 5:07 am    
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Hello, I have a GFI Expo D-10 and pedal 4 on the C6 neck should raise strings 4 & 8 from A-B mine doesn't, it actually lowers strings 5 & 10 on the E9 neck. Is this something custom or do I have a problem. I actually don't mind it on the E9 neck I'm learning to work with it but in learning the C6 I'm missing that hole pull. Any thoughts, should I be concerned or find someone who can add this pull to the 4 pedal on the C6 neck.

Thank you.
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John LeMaster

North Florida
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2018 5:30 am     Franklin pedal (almost)
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Chuck, I've made this change on a couple D10 guitars. I seldom used those changes on the C6th neck, so I moved the changes to E9th, lowering 5 and 6. The true Franklin pedal also lowers the 10th string. But, you can get some pretty good moves with just 5 and 6.

If you want the changes back in place on your C6th, it should be easy to do on a GFI.

John L.
Magnum D10, Emmons D10 push-pull
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scott murray

Asheville, NC
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2018 7:07 am    
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it's worth mentioning that pedal 4 isn't even included in Buddy Emmons' Basic C6 course.

I had the standard A to B raise for awhile but didn't have much use for it. I raise my E's to F with pedal 4 and can't live without it now.

there's video of a workshop Buddy did in the UK back in the 80s and he was doing the same thing at that time, though he was only raising string 6 I believe.

on his last guitar, he was using pedal 4 to raise string 9 a whole tone and also string 4, A to B.

you may find a better use for pedal 4 or you may want the standard change. I know a lot of pickers find the A to B raise indispensable. happy hunting!
1965 Emmons S-10, 3x5 • Emmons LLIII D-10, 10x12 • JCH D-10, 10x12 • Beard MA-8 • Oahu Tonemaster
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