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Author Topic:  Where would you play this, E9 or C6?
Glenn Demichele

(20mi N of) Chicago Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2019 7:16 pm    
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Not that I can play it in either, but where should I start?
Franklin D10 8&5, Excel D10 8&5. Both amazing guitars! Homemade buffer/overdrive with adjustable 700Hz "Fender" scoop., Moyo pedal, GT-001 effects, 2x TDA7294 80W class AB amps, or 2x BAM200 for stereo. TT12 and BW1501 each in its own closed back wedge. Also NV400 etc. etc...
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Post  Posted 26 Jan 2019 8:55 pm    
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Either tuning...Its just as easy on either tuning....Play it on the one you know best and then find the same ideas on the other....Both tunings are universal as to what can be played on their strings....I view the D10 as one complete tuning.
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Glenn Demichele

(20mi N of) Chicago Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2019 10:27 pm    
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Thanks Paul. I was working on your lessons tonight (hey everyone, they're great, really!). I skipped ahead to the C6th part (being careful to not mark it as complete), then got all full of myself, and decided to tackle that Irish tune for a band I'm in Chicago. The changes are easy, and I usually just play them on E9, but it would be cool if I could double the melody with our fiddle and mandolin. I tried and I found it to be equally difficult on either neck, which is why I asked the question. Thank you for your input: "just as easy" in your world is equivalent to "equally difficult" in mine. I'll get it.
Franklin D10 8&5, Excel D10 8&5. Both amazing guitars! Homemade buffer/overdrive with adjustable 700Hz "Fender" scoop., Moyo pedal, GT-001 effects, 2x TDA7294 80W class AB amps, or 2x BAM200 for stereo. TT12 and BW1501 each in its own closed back wedge. Also NV400 etc. etc...
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2019 1:42 am    
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We're used to hearing a 12-string uni referred to sometimes as "one big tuning" but to hear Paul refer to the D10 that way really is food for thought!

(I'm still at the stage of thinking of the uni as two separate tunings superimposed Smile )
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Daniel Morris

Westlake, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2019 5:47 pm    
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I'm not sure I have any business disagreeing with Paul Franklin, but I simply do not see a D10 as one complete tuning.
To my mind, one complete tuning would be Joe Wright's idea of 'one big tuning' - one neck.
Are there other instruments (at least string instruments) that require multiple tunings to be considered complete? I always thought pedal steel guitars eliminated the need for extra necks.
I'm not trying to be a wise guy, I just don't get it. I do agree that both tunings are universal, at least to an extent.
Paul, would you be so kind as to elaborate for me?
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Alan Cannell


United Kingdom
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2019 12:40 am    
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Here’s another angle , if you had to decide of either E9 or C6 , which would you choose for all genre of music. I know , surprisingly , Buddy Emmons once said E9 and I believe when he experimented with an extended E9 he did not continue down that path. It would be interesting to hear Paul’s choice.
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