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Author Topic:  Pedal Brackets
Al Evans

Austin, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2018 8:31 am    
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My MSA seems to be set up for an Emmons style pedal bracket, sort of. That is, it has a pin coming out the top, but it doesn't have any sort of tabs on the bottom.

It has two holes in the bottom that look like maybe they're supposed to have a plate with little tabs screwed into them. But I can't seem to find any reference to such a plate, so maybe I'm just ignorant Very Happy

It's a Hilton volume pedal, and Keith Hilton makes what looks like a lovely bracket. But I'm not sure what to do about the tabs for rubber feet on the bracket to press against. Has anybody got a spare clue?


--Al Evans
2018 MSA Legend, 2018 ZumSteel Encore, 2015 Mullen G2, G&L S-500, G&L ASAT, G&L LB-100, Godin A4 Fretless, Kinscherff High Noon
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