Barbara Rosetta
From: Nederland, Tx. , USA
Posted 15 Mar 2018 12:24 pm
We are sending out a really big "thank you" to all who helped make this year so successful for the TSGA Benevolent Fund. We look forward to seeing you next year in Dallas on the second weekend of March. We appreciate all who participated in our fund raising efforts.
The many musicians, from across the country, and their families that we assist throughout the year are very grateful.
We want to recognize the many vendors and contributors to the TSGA Benevolent Fund: Ron Sikes, Rick Crow, Tom Spalding, Michael Wall, Show Pro, Diane Ortigo, Billy Phelps, Ian Sutherland, Margie May, Jim & Janet Wise, Dearheart Creations, Sally Coker, Danny Letz, Bill & Linda Ferguson, Buck & Mitzi Grantham, Verle Tate, Bobby & Elaine Gondeson, Steeler's Choice, Peterson Tuners, Roy & Barbara Rosetta, Tommy Huff, Tommy & Donna Dodd, Mike & Theresa Sweeney, Ann McDaniel (through Mark & Kyle Moseley), Dearl Watson, Steel Guitar West, Mike Castleberry, Donnie & Brenda Lee Sweeten, Jim McCloud, George L's, Wayne Morton (OSGA), Buck Reid, Hillman Bars, James & Bonnie Taylor, and anonymous cash donators.
On the silent auction items the high bidders were: Buddie Hrabal on the Emmons LeGrande Steel Guitar, Josh Drawbaugh on the Steeler's Choice Seat, Peter Lindsley on the Steel seat, Tommy Hooker on the Peavey LTD Amp. The winner of the 50/50 was Stephen Tips, and the winner of the signed Dobro was Sue Haslam.
BIG THANKS to the Benevolent Fund Team: Jim & Janet Wise, Bonnie Taylor, Linda Ferguson, Elaine Gondeson and assisting this year was Donna Newberry and Joyce Rethmeier.
BIG THANKS to the three MC's that work so hard for us: Mike Siler, Bill Ferguson and Jeff Williams.
We wish many blessings on each and everyone of you.
You are appreciated.
Barbara Rosetta
Benevolent Fund |