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Author Topic:  Video intro into the Alkire tuning
Bill McCloskey


Post  Posted 17 Mar 2018 8:10 am    
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Just did a little intro into the Alkire tuning for those interested. Recorded early in the morning before coffee so excuse any mistakes and lousy playing. This looks at the top 6 strings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmGexfvJ1gw
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James Hartman


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 17 Mar 2018 10:54 am    
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Well conceived introduction to the tuning. You should continue a series of Youtube vids - might inspire interest in this neglected tuning. A bit unfortunate your right hand was out of the camera's view.

By the way, if I recall correctly, from conversation with Ed, jr., he pronounced it A-harp, rather than E-harp.
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Bill McCloskey


Post  Posted 17 Mar 2018 11:00 am    
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Someone else mentioned the right hand. I'll do better in the second one. I tried to indicate which strings I was playing. But if there was any doubt:
(Bar on 3rd fret)
G triad: Do position (root on top) strings 135
C triad: So position (root on bottom) strings 124
Gm: Strings: 136
C7: Strings 1246

Yes eh harp I think like A.
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James Hartman


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 17 Mar 2018 1:22 pm    
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Bill McCloskey wrote:
Someone else mentioned the right hand. I'll do better in the second one. I tried to indicate which strings I was playing. But if there was any doubt:
(Bar on 3rd fret)
G triad: Do position (root on top) strings 135
C triad: So position (root on bottom) strings 124
Gm: Strings: 136
C7: Strings 1246

Yes eh harp I think like A.

Your verbal description was clear and I had no trouble visualizing what you were doing. Just thinking that less experienced viewers would benefit from seeing it.
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Bill McCloskey


Post  Posted 17 Mar 2018 2:35 pm    
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BTW: I just posted this on my Eharp Players facebook group:

There are 54 separate chords that can be played on each fret of the eharp. Let's pretend we have the bar at the 3rd fret. Here are the chords we can make without moving the bar at all: no slants, no nothing. Just a single straight bar position:

Major Chord: G, C, E
Major 6th: G C Bb
Major 7th: C, F, A
Major 9th: C, F
Minor: G, A, E
Minor 6th: G
Minor 7th: E, A
Dominant 7: C, E
Dom 9th: C
Dom 13th: Bb
Dom 11th: E, A, D
Diminished: E, G#
Augmented: E, C, Ab
Major b5: E, Ab, Bb,
Major 7 +5: Ab
Major 9 b3: F
Major 9/6: G, F
Major 9+5: C
Minor 6/9: F
Minor 7 b5: E
Minor 7 +5: E
Mi/Ma7: F, Ab
Minor 7 b9: Db
Minor 9 b5: F#
Dom 7 +5: E, F#, C
Dom 7b5: E
Dom 7 + 5 b9: F#
Dom 7 b9: E
Dom 9+5: C
Dom 13/9: Bb
Dom 13b9: Bb

I don't' even know what some of these chords are. Now I just have to learn them.
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